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Ad hoc announcements

Alpiq becomes number one for catenary technology in Europe

Lausanne ─ Alpiq is acquiring Lundy Projects Ltd., a specialised supplier of catenary systems and signalling structures in the railway infrastructure…

Romanian tax authority has definitely assessed Value Added Tax and corporate income tax

Lausanne - Following the tax audit at the Bucharest branch of Alpiq Energy SE in Prague, the Romanian tax authority ANAF (Agenția Națională de…

Contract for the procurement of electricity from the Fessenheim nuclear power plant to be terminated

Berne – With effect from 31 December 2017, the Centrales Nucléaires en Participation SA consortium (CNP) is terminating the contract for the…

Statement regarding the article by “Schweiz am Wochenende”

Lausanne – In its edition from 2 September 2017, in the article entitled “Wasserkraft: Bericht beziffert Verluste in Milliardenhöhe” the “Schweiz am…

Growth areas generate entire results of operations, Swiss electricity production operating at a loss

  • As announced, EBITDA before exceptional items of CHF 158 million down on the previous year. Main drivers: persistently low wholesale prices,…

Romanian tax authority has preliminarily assessed Value Added Tax and corporate income tax

Lausanne - After completing a tax audit on the Bucharest branch of Alpiq Energy SE, Prague, the Romanian tax authority ANAF (Agenția Națională de…

Alpiq enters the power-to-gas business

Lausanne - Alpiq has acquired Diamond Lite S.A., the Swiss specialist for hydrogen gas production facilities. Alpiq is thus expanding its portfolio of…

Kraftanlagen ARGE Olkiluoto 3 lose out in arbitration proceedings

Lausanne – The German Institution for Arbitration e.V. (initials: DIS) has ruled against KAO in the arbitration proceedings between Kraftanlagen ARGE…

Ninth Annual General Meeting of Alpiq Holding Ltd.: Shareholders approved the motions put forth by the Board of Directors

Olten - Alpiq Holding Ltd. held its 9th Annual General Meeting in Trimbach near Olten today. Shareholders approved the 2016 consolidated financial…

Alpiq creates structures for future growth

  • Digitalisation and smart networking of decentralised flexible energy systems, smart buildings and e-mobility, industrial plant engineering and the…

Net debt reduced significantly in 2016

  • As announced, EBITDA before exceptional items of CHF 395 million is down on the previous year. Main drivers: Swiss electricity production negatively…

Christian Wanner, Member of the Alpiq Board of Directors, will not be standing for re-election

Alpiq concludes divestment of Swissgrid shares and loans

Lausanne – Alpiq concluded the divestment of its non-strategic interest in Swissgrid AG on 8 November 2016. Alpiq will receive an amount of CHF 146…

Nuclear power phase-out will cost billions

Lausanne – Acceptance of the nuclear power phase-out initiative will cause Alpiq economic damage in the region of CHF 2.5 billion. If the nuclear…

Alpiq receives higher compensation for transmission network

Lausanne – In connection with transfer of the Swiss transmission network, the Swiss Federal Electricity Commission (EICom) ruled on the valuation…